"With Agnes and the Simply Music approach, [my daughter] is playing a song with both hands after only two classes!” Ursula, parent

"I never thought that at the age of 48, I'd learn how to play a musical instrument.... I was amazed that I could learn to play piano! Agnes is a wonderful teacher and keeps it fun!" Debbie, student

"My two children have both fallen in love with making music under Agnes's supportive influence and creative teaching style.  I have been impressed by my son's depth of understanding of musical patterns and his execution of a variety of genres in just two years of lessons. Agnes has demonstrated skill, patience and insight in teaching both kids, who have different personalities and learning styles." Amy, parent

"Ms. Agnes has a wonderful way of teaching piano which is fun and effective. She really knows her students and helps them reach their full potential."   Janet, parent

“Agnes teaches with a love for both the subject and the student.  The heart she brings to her teaching, combined with her skill and experience, is part of her success. Angelina, Piano Teacher

“Each lesson, Agnes is energized and full of creative techniques. She skillfully teaches to every level, supporting students through any learning challenge.”  Elizabeth, Music Teacher

"Agnes was extremely gracious and flexible in designing a program for James that blended elements of Simply Music and more traditional study.

In addition, Agnes took the time to really get to know James. She realized very quickly that he loved anything to do with sports. Accordingly, she began to sprinkle her lessons with sports analogies that helped James more easily grasp musical concepts." Miller family

“Teaching comes naturally to Agnes. She can explain a subject in a way that is highly entertaining - and the explanation will surely stick!” Ina, Parent

"Agnes taught piano to both of my children and helped them both create a healthy, loving relationship with the instrument."  Zorzella, parent

"I will never forget that I had piano classes with you." Bea, student


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